
University Policies

Learning Outcomes
Why Chose Us?
Admission to Valley View University (VVU) is available to any applicant who meets the academic and character reference requirements of the University and is willing to co-operate with the University’s policies. Valley View University is owned, sponsored, and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. However, no particular religious commitment is required for admission; any applicant who will be comfortable within its religious, social, and cultural atmosphere may seek admission and be admitted. However, admission to the University is a privilege but not a right, and may be withheld or withdrawn by the University at its discretion and in harmony with its regulations and policies.
The University does not discriminate on grounds of race, colour, creed, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, or marital status. All that is required from any prospective and admitted student is to bear in mind that Valley View University is an integral part of the teaching ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and as such, it expects students (and employees) to uphold biblical principles of morality and deportment as interpreted by the Church.
Audio-visual includes all forms of recorded materials (reel, cassette, video, etc), photographic films (motion pictures, film strips, slides, etc), and any other related electronic media. The audio visual materials can be found in the Walton Whaley Library and the Harold Lee Library.
As a Seventh-day Adventist institution, the Library is also interested in collecting and making available Adventist audio-visual materials. To this end, the Library maintains sermons and other audio-visual materials on the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which are available upong request.
The Library public access computers are available for research and educational purposes only. Members of local communities may use the computers for research and educational purposes, although preference may be given to students, faculty and staff of Valley View University.
All users of the public access computers in the Library should comply with the following conditions:
¨ The Library prohibits the use of public access computers for e-mail, games, chat, financial transactions or other recreational use.
¨ Library public access computers may not be used to view or transmit any indecent or obscene materials. The viewing of indecent materials in the Library is considered a case of sexual harassment and a violation of the Student Code of Conduct (See Valley View University Student Handbook). Such offenders will be subjected to the University disciplinary procedure.
¨ The Library reserves the right to restrict access to, and/or impose time limitations on the use of public access computers.
¨ The Library prohibits unauthorized installation of any software on public access computers.
¨ The Library prohibits theft, modification or destruction of Library hardware, software or data including display and desktop configurations.
¨ The Library prohibits unauthorized access to computing resources or accounts, or attempted evasion of system and network security measures.
Library staff reserves the right to monitor the use of public access computers and may contact ICT Assistant to report non-compliance with the Library’s Computer Acceptable Use Policy.
Desired Characteristics of A VVU Graduate
The following learning objectives, described in terms of the desired
characteristics of educated graduates, are used, in part, to guide educators in their development of courses and programmes.
- Spiritual Maturity
Students should have a growing relationship with the Lord, nurtured through Bible study, personal devotion, commitment to witnessing, and selfless service to humanity.
- Love of Learning
Students should have a strong desire to learn for the sake of learning. Their desire should be reinforced both by their formal studies and by their general University experience, and it should be durable enough to remain with them for life.
- Depth of Understanding
They should have mastered material in at least one discipline in considerable depth, approaching the frontier of knowledge as closely as the nature and the circumstances of the disciplines allow. They should understand the basic foundations of their information.
- Independence of Thought
They should be able to think clearly and rigorously for themselves, not simply follow the direction of others. Although responsible inquiry requires respect for established authority, it also requires an ability to constructively criticize and to create, in the event that established positions are defective.
- Sense of Historical Development
They should be aware that even well-entrenched ideas are subject to change; indeed that much of human thought has undergone significant transformation over the centuries. They should, therefore, understand the history of their own discipline and how, in broad terms, it relates to the history of other disciplines.
- Breadth of Understanding
They should be able to take broad perspective on the materials that occupy the centre of their attention. They should understand how the basic ideas and approaches in their own discipline relate to similar elements in other disciplines, especially in disciplines that differ strikingly from their own. Science students should understand the main forms of inquiry characteristic of the arts, and arts students should have a similar understanding of science and technology.
- Global Understanding
They should appreciate both the national and the international dimensions of their disciplines and be prepared to apply their knowledge in ways that promote national dignity and global harmony. They should have an understanding of the natural and social environment that extends well beyond national borders.
- Moral Maturity
They should be able to make sound moral judgments, identify moral questions, weigh competing considerations in complex situations, assess criticisms, and determine when an inquiry is sufficiently advanced to warrant drawing a conclusion. They should have the strength of character to do what they judge right, regardless of social pressure or personal sacrifice.
- Aesthetic Sensibility
They should have a critical appreciation of the fine and performing arts, in a way that enables them to appreciate human civilization. They should also be able to extend their appreciation of the forms of human creativity to an appreciation of the value of the natural environment.
- Literacy
They should be highly literate, possessing an ability to locate, and to read with full comprehension, the most demanding material, whether in a book, on a computer or any form of literature. They should be able to develop a position orally and present it effectively in writing. Theiir writing skills should include not only the ability to write correctly, but also the ability to advance a reader’s understanding in a style that is as pleasant as it is rigorous.
- Numeracy
They should understand the nature of mathematical forms of inquiry, at a level that will overcome any feeling of alienation from a technological society and that will enable them to appreciate its significance.